General Sites
The Labrador Retriever Club - The AKC Parent Club
Medical Sites
The International Labrador Digest
Below are a few books and videos recommended by our members:
The Art of Raising a Puppy
The Monks of New Skete. 1991. Little, Brown and Company
The Complete Book of Dog Health
The Animal Medical Center, Wm. J. McKay, DVM (editor). 1985. Howell Book House
Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook
Delbert G. Carlson, DVM and James M. Giffon, MD, 1992. Howell Book House
The Evans Guide to Housetraining Your Dog
Job Michael Evans. 1987. Howell Book House.
How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With
Rutherford and Neil. 1992. Revised Second Edition. Alpine Publications
The Labrador Retriever, the History . . . The People . . . Revisited
Richard A Wolters. 1992. Second Edition. Dutton.
Mother Knows Best: The Natural Way to Train Your Dog
Carol Lee Benjamin. Howell Book House
The Offical Book of the Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc., Dr. Bernard W. Ziessow (editor). 1995. TFH Publications, Inc.
People, Pooches, and Problems
Job Michael Evans. 1991. Howell Book House.
- Understanding Your Dog
Dr. Michael W. Fox. 1972. Coward, McCann, & Geoghegan
- Sirius Puppy Training
A video with Ian Dunbar. A great training aid which begins with the minute you bring your puppy home.
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